The Town of Dumfries C-PACE Program is an innovative C-PACE Financing program that offers an open-market solution for building owners and developers and promotes clean energy and economic development in Dumfries, Virginia. The Program enables owners of commercial and industrial properties to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water efficiency improvement projects.

C-PACE Financing helps property owners overcome financial barriers that discourage investment in energy and water conservation projects to new and existing buildings. Building improvements financed using C-PACE can be completed with no up-front, out-of-pocket cost to property owners and can generate positive cash flow upon completion.

C-PACE loans may extend up to the useful life of the Eligible Improvement with the longest useful life or 30 years, whichever is less. This long repayment period results in cost savings that typically exceed the total cost of the C-PACE loan.

The results may include improved business profitability, an increase in the property value, and improved sustainability of the real estate asset.

The Town of Dumfries C-PACE Program is now open!

To start the C-PACE application process for your property, visit the Project Center here:

Project Center

Information About VA PACE Financing In The Town Of Dumfries


Dumfries PACE Webinar Videos


The Town of Dumfries Virtual Workshop Presentation


The Town of Dumfries Launches C-PACE Financing Program

Press Release

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The Town of Dumfries C-PACE Program Guide


The Town of Dumfries Ordinance


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